In The News
Tacoma News Tribune: Support I-1401 and the world’s endangered animals
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Photo by Associated Press - News Tribune
We are proud to have earned the editorial support of the Tacoma News Tribune:
“It’s far too easy in much of the world to traffic in the deaths of endangered species. That’s no reason for it to be easy here, too. Vote to approve I-1401.”
“The killing of Cecil the lion this summer by an American hunter seeking a trophy head brought global attention to the illegal hunting of endangered animals.
It’s a huge and profitable business, and it is killing so many animals that many species are on the brink of extinction.
Rhinos are killed for their horns, mistakenly used as a cure for cancer. Poachers often use automatic weapons to fell elephants for their ivory tusks. Tigers are taken for their pelts, meat and body parts. Sea turtles are killed for their eggs, meat, skin and shells.
Lesser-known animals are equally at risk, including the pangolin – also known as the scaly anteater – which are being slaughtered in alarming numbers to feed the Asian medicine market.”